Sunday, October 18, 2009

Strategies for Apartment Hunting

  1. Inform everyone that you are looking for a place. That great deal may come from a friend's pet-sitter's therapist.
  2. Look a few months in advance. if you are looking for a great deal in a week, its not going to happen. Its even less likely to happen if you are looking for a place in 24 hrs.
  3. Be willing to make sacrifices. the more unsavory the neighbourhood, the longer the commute ( the more ulu it is ), the lack of restaurants usually means it will have a much cheaper rent. You don't need the coolest place in the world right out of college. postpone it until u have a million dollars.
  4. Bargain with the landlord. it doesn't hurt to request for a 2 year lease in exchange for lower rent. the allure of long term and reliable tenant is worth it to most landlords. Generally any non-shithead vibe you give to your landlord is for the best. So try to be nice !
  5. Be willing to have roommates. It could improve your people skills and save you a bundle of cash.
  6. Rent a furnished apartment. stick around with used to discarded furnishings until you buy a place of your own.
  7. Don't hire a broker. Good deals can be found if you do the legwork yourself.
- From Alan Corey's A Million Bucks By 30

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